Flask Cannons

Flask Cannons can consume potions from bottles and flasks from the players inventory and convert the potion into a Splash or Lingering potion. To select the potion to be thrown, use the Radial Menu to select your flask or potion and use the launcher.

Enchanting Apparatus Recipe

Pedestal Items:
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:blaze_rod Blaze Rod
picture of the ingredient minecraft:blaze_rod Blaze Rod
Splash Flask Cannon

Enchanting Apparatus Recipe

Pedestal Items:
picture of the ingredient minecraft:dragon_breath Dragon's Breath
picture of the ingredient ars_nouveau:air_essence Air Essence
picture of the ingredient ars_nouveau:air_essence Air Essence
Splash Flask Cannon
Lingering Flask Cannon

Ars Nouveau Wiki