Dominion Wand

A tool for configuring Source Relays and automation entities. To set a transfer path, use the wand on the object that you would like to take source from, and then use it on the block you would like to send source to. For example: Source Jar to Source Relay, Source Relay to Source Relay, or Source Relay to Source Jar. To clear connections, sneak and use this wand on a relay. If you sneak-use it on the air it will switch to Strict mode, allowing to specify the side of the blocks to use.

Enchanting Apparatus Recipe

Pedestal Items:
picture of the ingredient ars_nouveau:source_gem Source Gem
picture of the ingredient ars_nouveau:source_gem Source Gem
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:stick Stick
picture of the ingredient ars_nouveau:dominion_wand Dominion Wand

Ars Nouveau Wiki