Magical Armor
Magical robes will increase the wearers mana regen and can be upgraded with special abilities using Threads. The Sorceror's set provides the lowest defence, but provides the most powerful set of slots for Threads. The Arcanist's and Battlemage's sets provide increasingly more defence, but fewer and less powerful Thread Slots. For more information on Threads, see the section on Armor and Perks.
Shapeless Recipe
Reminder: This is just the default recipe, modpacks can and will adjust recipes.
Thread Slots
Each type of armor has its own unique set of Thread Slots. Upgrading the armor to a new tier will unlock and add additional slots to the armor. The Sorcerors set provides the least amount of defence while providing the most powerful slots, while the Battlemage's set provides defence but much weaker slots. For recipes on upgrading your armor to the next tier, see the section in the Armor and Perks category.
Thread Tiers
Each set of armor has its own unique set of Thread Slots.