Redstone Relay

Can be connected to other Redstone Relays to wirelessly send a redstone signal. Takes input from one side and outputs in all other directions. Can be connected within 30 blocks of another relay, and multiple relays can be connected.

Shaped Recipe:

picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:redstone Redstone Dust
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
Source Gem Block
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient minecraft:redstone Redstone Dust
picture of the ingredient minecraft:gold_ingot Gold Ingot
picture of the ingredient ars_nouveau:redstone_relay Redstone Relay

Reminder: This is just the default recipe, modpacks can and will adjust recipes.

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